Does anyone remember a hot and charismatic porn star named Melina Mason? Melina, she of the gorgeous boobs and smoldering gaze (oh man, those eyes!), retired from porn in 2013, having worked with most major studios in just a few years and established herself as a fan favorite. People were sad. Because she wasn’t just really good at sex (which she was) but she was also clearly very intelligent and loads of fun. She had personality and brains… and tits. And to be fair — ass as well. She was the hot porn chick you’d like to fuck, but also maybe just like to hang out with as well. She was different and cool and smart.
Well there is no need for all this “she was… she was…” past tense bullshit, not anymore. Because after a five-year break — doing important things in the adult industry that we didn’t even know about — Melina Mason is BACK, motherfuckers! She is re-entering the porn game and is going it alone (or “self-booking” as they say). You wanna see Melina, right? Of course you do! Well the first thing you need to do is follow her new Twitter account, which is @realmelinamason, and her Instagram, which is also @realmelinamason. There you will get updates on her progress, and things are moving fast. You’ll find some entertaining stuff on her YouTube channel. And another great place for updates (and the details on her private Snapchat) is Melina Mason’s Fancentro page.
And there’s one more place you should visit — the good news is, you’re already here. Yes because we reached out to Melina Mason about her return and she answered our questions! The Q-and-A is below… but first, let’s have a picture, courtesy Igor from DrivenByBoredom (there’s some more info about him after the interview).

BABESTODAY: Why did you “retire,” what did you do in your 5 years away from us, and why did you come back?
MELINA MASON: I started a mentorship program for women in the adult industry under my author name Lydia Dupra. It’s gotten quite large, I have an app now, called Heaux, and a large network of innovations to assist the adult industry. Vice made a documentary about my company this year, it’s called “The Heaux Mentor.”
BABESTODAY: We imagine there are a lot of people excited to see you back — and still a lot who haven’t even heard (your Twitter following just cracked 1,500!). What sort of reactions have you gotten from fans and industry people?
MELINA MASON: People have been very vocal about my return. I feel like a princess with all the support!

BABESTODAY: Five years away from porn, that’s an eternity. So many new people since you left. We imagine you’ve been doing some research on the current talent pool — who are you excited about possibly working with? Could be male or female performers. For instance we see your bantering quite a bit with Kinsley Karter on Twitter, are you planning to shoot with her?
MELINA MASON: Kinsley is one of the women I met from my mentorship program and she lives with me. I hate to break that fantasy but she’s like my kid sister and we don’t look at each other in that way. I am interested in a few newcomers like Marcus Dupree, Mike Mancini, King Noir and so many others

BABESTODAY: Longtime male performer Prince Yahshua welcomed you back with an enthusiastic tweet the other day. Are you looking to shoot with him? Now that you’re back, who are the old friends you’re looking to work with? Is there anyone’s body you’ve missed and can’t wait to get your hands on again?
MELINA MASON: Prince and I go way back, I would work with him if the opportunity ever came up. There’s a few people I’m looking forward to working with again. It feels like a really sexy high school reunion. I’m too shy to gush about my old crushes but you’ll know who they are when my scenes start coming out.

BABESTODAY: We’re a bit breast-obsessed here at BabesToday — always thought you had a lovely pair back in the day but they look even more awesome than we remember. In fact, from head to toe you seem to be as good or better than 5 years ago. What have you done in terms of improvements to your body and getting it back into performing shape?
MELINA MASON: First thank you and yes I’ve invested a lot into my look. My breasts are bigger now, my waist is smaller and my butt is also larger. I have a new nose, lips, cheeks and chin. I still feel I look mostly natural. I have some more tattoos and I’ve been taking care of myself by quitting smoking and cutting back on junk food and alcohol.

BABESTODAY: You mentioned on Twitter that returning to performing “feels like I’m home again.” And in general you just seem incredibly excited about all this. So many people assume that the porn business is ruthless, exploitative, damaging, whatever fill-in-the-blank judgmental bullshit you can think of. But you call it “home.” What do you love about porn?
MELINA MASON: Porn for me has been a safe space to explore my sexuality without people judging me for it. The best people in my life I have met through the business. The only bad experiences I’ve had in porn were because of my old agent but actually performing was a dream. I am very spoiled as well with sleeping with porn performers, nothing even comes close to comparing to that type of sex. I am really looking forward to everything and now that I represent myself, I can have the exact experiences I always planned on.

Well there you go! Many thanks to Melina for that chat, and also to Nate “Igor” Smith for these pictures. If you’re not following him on Twitter at @drivenbyboredom you’re missing out on a good time. (We’d recommend his Tumblr as well, but Tumblr commited suicide this week — here’s a piece he wrote about it for Actually, you’ll see the man himself in the last picture here — not because you want or need to see a picture of him, but you do need to see a fantastic view of Melina’s boobs and he happens to be there as well. We were on the fence about including this one but the boobs won out. Boobs always win.

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