It was a mystery alright. The boobs were huge, but where were they hiding and why? Maybe it was those meddling kids. Call in the youthful sleuths. Petite curvy Velma (Tessa Fowler) and Amazonian Daphne (Lana Kendrick) were on the case and would not rest until the huge boobs were revealed. They were going to get to the bottom of this if they had to take their tops off to do it. And that’s when they hatched their plan — they looked at each other as if to say “it’s kind of crazy, but it just might work!” They unbuttoned their overworked sweaters and voila! There were the boobs in question, huge as could be and in pristine condition. The answer had been there, right under their chins, all along. This is part two of this amazing cosplay saga (part one is here) — visit to see even more of Tessa and Lana as naked Velma and Daphne!

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