Shay Laren is just one of those girls you look at and go: “MmmmmmMMMMMmmmmmmMMMMMMmm…”
That is meant to be an “Mmm” of unqualified approval. Shay is so sexy you might be at a loss for words, and resort to sub-verbal mutterings of lust. It’s ok dude, happens to the best of us.
Now, here’s a PRO TIP: If you want to see some seriously sexy naked ladies on the internet, go to Digital Desire, a site featuring the photography of J. Stephen Hicks. He takes pictures of all sorts of Playboy models, Penthouse Pets, and porn stars, but he has a light touch that you can’t duplicate — his pictures always look like nobody else’s. And especially when the subject matter is a girl like Shay — fuhgeddabouddit. A master painting a masterpiece. (Feel free to masturbate, if you like.)

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