Sophie Dee, in addition to her many talents in her main profession, is also a movie critic. But she is no ordinary film fan, no, she is a topless movie reviewer, which is really the best kind of movie reviewer. Because even if the movie is crap you will still watch the review. When Sophie takes her Siskel and Eberts out, you cannot take your eyes off of them, can you?
Visit her Topless Movie Reviews site to see what it’s all about. Here’s a video:
Here are some pictures of Sophie, as a kind of reward for reading this post. You deserve it, movie fan! These don’t come from a review, they’re from her official site Sophie Dee Live, Well, maybe they are a review. Sophie says “Lynda Carter is the only Wonder Woman!” and Puma Swede is all “No, Gal Gadot is sexier” and Sophie says “Lynda Carter bitch, old school or GTFO” and Puma says “Ok Boomer” — so of course they will have to settle this like superheroes and kiss it out. Who wins? You, the home viewer, that’s who.

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