Jelena Jensen and Aria Giovanni have always been two of our favorite models, and it’s no mystery why — these are just two gorgeous girls with fantastic large natural breasts. The fact that the two of them are really good friends in real life is an added bonus. Who knows what sexy hijinks the two of them get up to when they’re together? Maybe they get naked and massage each other, maybe they just watch Lifetime movies and have a good cry. Maybe they really do like fondling each other’s bodies (see pictures), maybe they can barely contain their laughter because they think it’s silly. Truth is, we don’t know how authentic their lesbian adventures are, but we do know that they are really good buddies, and that counts for something. We think that makes their pictures sexier than most.
Right now, and we mean right fucking now (as we were writing this post), these two girls are together celebrating Aria’s birthday. It was on the Twitter.
@jelenajensen: Happy Birthday to my bestie of over a decade @ariagiovanni! Here’s to a day spent hanging out & causing trouble!
@ariagiovanni: Thanks for all the birthday wishes! Having a blast with @jelenajensen in Sactown 🙂
Does the blast they’re having look anything like this massage session? Maybe. Maybe not. We just don’t know. Happy birthday to you, Aria Giovanni, nice to know you’re in good hands. These pictures are from; birthday girl Aria runs a pretty badass collection of picture and videos herself over at

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