Layna Britain is a lot like all of us. Actually she is probably not a lot like all of us, except in one way: She wants to see tits. When TittyTuesday rolls around on Twitter, there @LaynaBritain is, faithfully asking the ladies who tweet to tweet their boobs. But she doesn’t just expect them to give it up for nothing — no, she knows there must be tat for tit. So Layna actually tweets her own TittyTuesday tits when she requests to see others. Isn’t that nice? It’s really in the spirit of sharing, quid pro quo, you-stroke-my-front-I’ll-stroke-yours. We don’t know whether @LaynaBritain is bisexual or just loves seeing boobs, but she has an excellent pair of her own so let’s not think about it too hard. Layna’s Twitter feed is a bounteous river of her own nudity, and that’s a good thing. Here are some favorites:

Layna Britain from LeFotoAltoEgoiste on Vimeo.
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