(NOTE: This post was written before Episodes VII-IX, spinoff films or TV series.)
There are not a lot of boobs in Star Wars. This is because there are not a lot of female characters in Star Wars. Sure, there’s Princess Leia in Episodes IV-VI and Princess Amidala in I-III, but that’s kind of it. The third-best-known babe in the movies is Aayla Secura, a Twi’lek Jedi who is glimpsed a few times in Episodes II and III but bites it when Order 66 goes down.
Yes, we’ve been watching Star Wars movies on Spike. We don’t normally walk around thinking about this stuff.
To find another nailable Star Wars babe beyond the three mentioned, you might just have to go to the Clone Wars series and Ahsoka Tano, a Togruta. That’s what Peter Kondas has done in his lesbian-tastic illustrations of Twi’lek-on-Togruta action. These pictures were found on Peter’s now-defunct Flickr; if you want to see more of his work visit kondaspeter.com for thousands of samples. You can buy high-resolution image packs from that site or Peter’s Patreon.
This scene is a hot sorta-re-enactment of the scene where Leia tries to free Han Solo from Jabba’s palace. In this version, Aayla, nude under her flowing robe, gets Ahsoka out of the carbonite and then gets busy on her exotic space-babe nakedness. It is sexy and/or weird beyond words.

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