What’s better than a busty naked girl whipping up some delicious vittles in the kitchen? Probably nothing — I mean, food and sex are the two greatest hedonistic pleasures we as humans know. Serve up some deliciousness with a side of boob and I’m staying for seconds. Or at least the second. Of the two boobs. Betcha can’t crunch just one.
Even if it’s just a freakin’ apple. Kelly Hall here hasn’t labored over some complex casserole or wokked herself silly — she’s just holding an apple. Hmm, girl stripping, offering you an apple — you’ve seen this before, you wily snake-in-the-grass you.
And if this is the garden of Eden and Kelly Hall is your Eve — it’s a done deal. She hands you the apple and shows you the melons and all of a sudden Daddy-O looks down from heaven and he’s like “Get off my lawn. Sinners.”
This is just one of the many fantastic shoots you’ll find at Body In Mind, home of some of the best naked models online.

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