What the fuck is this shit? I mean, what the actual fuck?
These pictures come from this website KirillWasHere.com and as far as I can tell it exists to document what a ridiculously better-than-yours life this guy Kirill is living. He goes to big parties and pours champagne and milk all over girls who get their tits out while wearing his fucking hat with his fucking “Kirill Was Here” logo on it. FUCK THIS GUY.
I say that out of pure, unabashed envy. Fuck this guy! He says on Twitter (@KirillWasHere) “I GET PAID TO PARTY & SOMETIMES TAKE PHOTOS” — WTF? He’s a party photographer who miiiight get pictures of your party but might also just be too distracted by boobies to care? WHAT DEAL WITH THE DEVIL DID THIS MOTHERFUCKER CUT?
I can’t devote any more energy to this. Way to fucking go, Kirill, if that is your real name, you have figured it out and every dude is painfully jealous. Way. To. Fucking. Go.
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