It sure ain’t summer today — no sirree, it’s colder than a well-digger’s asshole where we are and in many parts of the world. Summer’s fun, though, isn’t it? Particularly a summer pool party on a warm day packed with nubile Playboy models — let the bikini babes burn a few burgers on the grill and take a dip in the pool. And then whoops, the one named Sarah has a bikini malfunction, and the one named Eugenia starts pulling it the rest of the way off, and pretty soon the bikinis are strewn about the grass and Sarah and Eugenia are intently squeezing each other’s Charmin, oblivious to the party going on around them. Which is ok, because the party is oblivious to them. And by now the burgers really are burning.
Sarah Summers, the blonde, is a pretty standard awesome blonde Playboy model, and Eugenia Diordiychuk, the brunette, is a Ukrainian Playmate who is better known online as Jenya D and Katie Fay. See more of both Sarah and Eugenia at

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