So actress/model/singer Sophie Monk is in Playboy. You may have heard this, and you may very well have wondered “Who is Sophie Monk?” Well, there’s no real reason most people will know — her career consists of pop-music success in Australia, a series of Hollywood(ish) movies you wouldn’t want to watch, and modeling of some sort. We have all along had a vague idea of Sophie Monk, we knew that she was hot, but we have probably never heard a Sophie Monk song or seen a movie she was in.
Here’s the thing, though: Sophie Monk is really extremely good looking, and looks really really really extremely good naked. Playboy‘s got her, and while I’d never suggest she’s some mega-star, at least she is completely fucking amazing. This is the sexiest celebrity photo shoot Playboy has done in awhile — but then, everything about Playboy‘s photography is moving in the right direction these days. If you haven’t checked out Playboy’s naked-lady site recently, you should — they are posting some great pictures of great girls these days, you might be surprised.
And then there is Sophie Monk — because, hey, if you’re not going to get Jennifer Lawrence or Scarlett Johansson naked in your mag (and face it, you’re not), at least you can get someone who is really really really hot. Sophie fills that role beautifully. Enough words, see for yourself:

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