You may have heard of this thing called Gamergate. I won’t go into the details because this isn’t the place, but both sides of this running argument over women and video games need to chill out. Neither side is going to win this. You can’t win an argument with a horde of adolescent trolls, and you can’t really win one with a horde of twitter/tumblr crusaders (“social justice warriors”) either. Feminist critic Anita Sarkeesian has emerged as the major figure in Gamergate (you may have seen her on The Colbert Report), as well as a major target for the aforementioned trolls. It may surprise you to learn that I agree with some (certainly not all) of Sarkeesian’s ideas; I just can’t see how this shouting match is going to have much impact on anything.

Anita Sarkeesian though. Fascinating. They say she’s anti-sex, but she’s kinda hot and she knows it—so what’s the truth? What’s she look like naked? Does she wear leopard-print panties? That’s the bottom line for me. I am mildly against things like (these are Anita-isms) “weaponized pornography” and “gendered threats,” mostly because I am against anonymous harassment and angry internet cowards.
But a sexy cam girl who’s putting herself out there as the “Sex-positive Anita Sarkeesian”? This is perfectly legit parody, and I am all for it. This is the great Kinky Kora getting all Sarkeesian-ed up in the flannel and hairstyle and big hoops and whatnot, and then ditching the flannel and other clothing.
Kora calls her Sarkeesian sessions “Boob Frequency” (a parody of Anita’s Feminist Frequency). You can catch them at MyFreeCams, and get more pictures like this by following Kora on Twitter, where’s she’s @PrincessKora1.
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