Ecuadorean pinup Antonella Kahllo has a gigantic pair of boobs — there’s no reason to be subtle about it. These boobs are not subtle! Even when she tries to hide them under an outfit, you can still get a totally accurate sense of their ginormity. Also: She doesn’t really try to hide them, ever. This Pikachu top can’t hope to contain them, and in fact her boobs escape it almost immediately. But you know the deal with Pokemon — it’s not about seeing them, you gotta catch em all. And while there are only two Pikaboobs to catch here — what are you gonna catch ’em with? They will not fit into a pokeball, no way. In fact they won’t even fit into your hand — it would take two hands to secure just one of these breasts. How are you gonna catch ’em both if you don’t have four arms? Well how about not catching ’em so much as just appreciating ’em. Playing with ’em, caressing ’em — Antonella herself spends her day doing that, so you’re probably welcome to try it yourself. Visit to see more of these immense, unrestrainable breasts having all sorts of uncatchable fun!
UPDATE: Antonella Kahllo has launched her own app! You can communicate directly with her, request photos, and other fun stuff! Here’s where to get it:
• Antonella Kahllo at the iTunes Store
• Antonella Kahllo at the Google Play store

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