You don’t have to speak French to guess what “chocolat” means — yes, it’s French for “chocolate.” But that is not all that chocolat means, not any more. See, we recently met a budding boob star named Sunny Chocolat, and she is truly a sweet treat, yummy like chocolate and sunny as a summer day. Sunny is Vietnamese, which is interesting — the Vietnamese ladies, they don’t usually have big boobs. In fact, according to a 2016 scientific study in the Journal of Female Health Sciences, Vietnam came in 102nd out of 108 countries ranked by breast size, with an average American cup size of “less than A,” with a mean volume of 121 ml. (For context, the big boob champs, American ladies, boast an average cup size larger than F, and a mean volume of 1,668 ml.)
Now: Are Vietnamese women beautiful? Without a doubt! But if you’re a breast man, it’s a scientifically-documented fact that you will not find many busty Vietnamese ladies to satisfy your particular taste.
Ah, but then there’s Sunny Chocolat. We don’t know Sunny’s cup size but we can tell you her boobs are large. So pleasantly large. The kind of boobs you can really grab onto and play around with. As you can see in a few of these pictures, Sunny herself likes doing that, and can you blame her? They’re great boobs!
You can find Sunny on Patreon and on OnlyFans. She’s not just a great pair of boobs, either. She’s got a lovely, radiant smile — you might even call it “sunny” — and she’s friendly and enthusiastic as hell. You should follow her on Twitter, and say hi (maybe even tell her Babestoday sent ya), she will surely say hello back.
Enjoy these sunny views of Sunny Chocolat just chilling out on her porch at home, and getting those big beautiful boobs out. Because why not get them out? Beautiful things should be seen! We think Sunny — and you — will agree.

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