Joy Galore popped onto our timeline on Twitter and we got a vibe from her — this girl has a good attitude. She is super pretty, she has a great body, she takes fun pictures, and she wants to please. She is just fun! Fun, and naked, and as we said — eager to please.
Now, she is located in Bangkok, Thailand, and she is at the beginning of a career — the career of being an online sex goddess. You should really follow her @Su1joy_galore Twitter account, which features naked pictures of her just about every day. And if that’s not enough (really, when it comes to a woman like this, can there ever be “enough”?), you might be able to get a bit more. It’s a complex situation, here’s what Joy herself says:
I can be seen on DVD in Japan, sir. And people who have a subscription to Vodacom’s Adult Fun in South Africa can see me, sir. I can not be seen many place online, sir, but have some content on I will be uploading more content to if I have fans who want to see more of me, sir.
You catch that? That “sir” after every statement and request? That is fucking awesome. It is valid. Think about it: You are having dinner in a very nice restaurant — you ask for another piece of bread. Does your server say “k cool whatevs gimme sec.” OR does your server say “yes sir.” It’s simply respect and courtesy, and it is fucking refreshing.
“You are so hot, Joy Galore.”
“Thank you, sir.”
What a courteous, civilized exchange.
“Joy Galore, your nudes are quite stimulating and you’ve given me a raging erection.”
“Sir, please tell me how I might help you with that. Sir.”
So to most of the world, we must say this: You can see the awesome Joy Galore here, and on her Twitter @Su1joy_galore. To the select people in Japan or South Africa, please check her out where you can find her. And let’s all just join the nascent fan club, hoping to see Joy in more and more places. Can we call it the Joy Fan Club? No — how about the Joy Fuck Club? Seems about right. Here’s a barrage of Joy Galore nakedness (don’t you love the candid shots of her just going through her day naked?) enjoy it:

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