Look at this first picture here — the lovely Stacey Pool in some sort of sailor suit short dress. It’s, well, it’s kinda sexy. But it’s also a bit dorky. Sorry, but the big anchor and the goofy flap hanging over the shoulders — that getup has to go. And Stacey is all too happy to follow orders, without so much as an “Aye aye, captain,” she starts whipping off the garment. And lo and behold, the bra’s gone over the side and into the drink as well. Ah, there’s a sight for sore eyes. The magnificence of those nude breasts — a vast improvement over the anchor outfit. It’s all hands on deck when Stacey Poole is shedding her clothes at Only-Opaques!

Stacey Poole’s Boobs Are the Perfect Outfit
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