Power Girl is the perfect superhero for porn star cosplaying. Why? BOOB WINDOW! The defining feature of her costume is legendary, and has often sparked debate. Why does Power Girl’s costume have a window to show off her boobs? Wait, why does Power Girl have such big boobs? Is that OK — is it OK to have a female superhero with bodacious jugs in a mainstream comic book? Of course it is! Folks, big boobs exist in the world, and even female superheroes from planet Krypton might be lucky enough to have them. Deal with it! And so yeah if you’re going to do a nudie Power Girl cosplay, you better bring a chick packing some heat in the bustline. If she’s gonna exploit the boob window, she better have a lotta boobs. Blonde Czech babe Angel Wicky and her 38DDs to the rescue. She’s doing this Power Girl cosplay at VRCosplayX, home of the hottest cosplaying porn babes who fuck you in virtual reality. See her in action below!

Halloween Countdown: Angel Wicky Busts Power Girl’s Boob Window
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