Maible is from Ukraine, like so many of the beautiful naked women on the internet (and on this site, actually). So maybe you’d expect her to pose in some kind of Ukrainian traditional garb. Whatever that might be. But why confine her to some sort of “It’s a Small World After All” getup? This is an extremely cute and beautiful and sexy girl — let’s not turn this into some sort of social studies class. Here she is looking like some sort of sunny, summery American teenage dream. Yes her name is Maible and she probably doesn’t speak English but here in these overall shorts and ponytails drinking a glass of Florida’s finest — you’d believe her name is Ashley or Alison, the girl from the block you used to ride to the pool with on your Schwinns, now all grown up and the source of your every aching fantasy. And when Ashley, or Alison, or Maible peels off that cute lil’ outfit and beckons you over to do as you like, holy fuck you are in heaven, aren’t you? Maible is currently one of our favorite babes at MET-Art — join up to see these pics and hundreds more in ultra high-res!

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