Our American readers might not be familiar with this, but there was once a thing in The Sun newspaper called Page 3, where you’d get a topless girl on the third page of the paper every damn day. This probably accounts for the steady stream of really amazing topless models we had coming out of the UK, especially in the early 2000s when a girl could springboard from Page 3 to lad mags and websites. So you had your Lucy Pinders, your Iga Wyrwals, your Sophie Howards, your Lacey Banghards and whatnot. The list goes on. Other papers did their version of Page 3 as well. But The Sun covered up its girls’ nips a few years back, and there were supposedly societal changes and the like, and we got to a point where only the Daily Star was still publishing truly topless girls. And on April 11, the Star published its last. As of April 12, there is no UK newspaper publishing a daily topless girl — a girl showing her nipples. That makes Babestoday cry.
We don’t know who was the very last girl to have her nipples in the Star‘s Page 3, but we know that one of the last was Billie Davis. And Billie Davis has fantastic nipples. It really is sad that these beautiful nipples have been banned from the newspaper, they are so gorgeous. And she’s a gorgeous girl. Well the Star’s loss is obviously the internet’s gain. If you want to see Billie and her nipples, skip the newsstand and visit OnlyTease!

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