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Sydney Sweeney in HBO show Euphoria

Sydney Sweeney’s Nude Selfies From ‘Euphoria’ On HBO

The new HBO series Euphoria is intense, man — it seeks to show the lives of teenagers, warts and all. The drugs, the ruses, the bad behavior and yes, the sending of nudes. In the first episode (which aired 3 nights ago), some guys are talking about a girl, and one boasts that she sent him a ton of nudes, and then he pulls out his phone and scrolls through them for us. They flash quickly but sharply on screen. The actress is Sydney Sweeney, and yes, she did actually take nude selfies for the show. What awesome dedication to her role! Of course, it was very easy for someone to extract the shots from the episode, and we have them here. Here’s a quote too, for context, said by the character Rue (Zendaya):

I know your generation relied on flowers and your father’s permission, but it’s 2019 and unless you’re Amish, nudes are the currency of love. Stop shaming us. Shame the dudes who create password-protected online directories of naked underage girls.

We bring that up because we know we are flirting with the behavior Rue laments, but there are some differences. These are not stolen images from TheF***ening, they were taken to be shown very publicly on a TV show that HBO hopes is a big hit. Also, Sydney Sweeney is 21 and made her own decision to do this for her art. They’re supposed to look like contraband pix for the show, but they’re not. (If they were stolen nude pics from an actual teenager, no fucking way would we post them.) Honestly, we wish they were sharper and not so DIY looking, because she’s a beautiful girl with a kickass figure and we’d like to see it better. But until she poses for a nude photo shoot with a real photographer, these are what we have — they are what they are:






One response to “Sydney Sweeney’s Nude Selfies From ‘Euphoria’ On HBO”

  1. zengoth

    sydney sweeney is sooo … mmm … hhhooottttttttttttttttttttttttt … subatomaric paraloadin vz brainpeeelin -:)👽

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