Meet the lady half of the online couple theBaconss! She goes by Mrs. Bacon and you can find her on Twitter @theBaconss and at (Note: The Bacons now have a free OnlyFans page as well.)
Just to give you the basics: 5’11”, 38DD, loves getting naked, amazing boobs, loves giving blowjobs, plays video games and smokes a lot of weed. Ideal woman, right?
In this post here we are not only showing you her pictures and chatting with her (yes, an in-depth interview follows the gallery), we are also promoting Mr. Bacon’s art. He is a woodworker who makes wood pixel cut outs of old-school video game characters, hand cut and hand painted with an acrylic resin finish. They also come with wall mounts on them so they are ready to hang on your wall. You will see examples in these pictures although you might have to concentrate extra hard to see them as Mrs. Bacon’s nipples are just magnets for the eyes. If you are interested in buying/commissioning a pixel art cutout, send them a direct message on their Twitter or their OnlyFans, or just e-mail them at
Enough chitta-chatta, let’s have a look at Mrs. Bacon’s tits! Well, we mean, let’s look at Mr. Bacon’s art. The tits. The art. The tits are art and the art is the tits. Just look:

BABESTODAY: You have taken to online nakedness like a natural. Have you always been an exhibitionist?
MRS. BACON: No never, haha. I’ve always hated my body. I knew I was photogenic, I take good selfies but I’ve always been a big girl. The Mr. is what has brought out all my confidence because he makes me feel perfect and that’s all that matters… I’ve come a really long way in the past 6 months alone…
BT: Surely though you knew you have amazing boobs and especially beautiful areolas. It’s the luck of the genetic draw and you did very well.
MRS. BACON: Thank you! I’ve actually lost 60 pounds and am feeling way more comfortable in my own skin … don’t get me wrong I’ve always been confident and I carry myself with confidence. But yeah, just hated my body — but always seemed to get guys, so I knew I was doing something right!
BT: Do you like your body more now? The compliments and enthusiasm you get daily must be helping.
MRS. BACON: Oh yeah twitter has helped me so much just come out of my shell. I don’t care at all what anyone thinks about my body — not anymore, I should say!
BT: And if you did care, the certainty that guys all over the world are drooling over you might be a boost.
MRS. BACON: Ha ha, exactly! No, that’s fair — you realize while some men don’t like stretch marks, some do…. some like boobs some like ass like someone’s gonna like what you’re posting regardless of what you look like.
BT: True and for whatever reason, men like to see a girl with a cock in her mouth, or a beautiful pair of boobs painted with cum, these are among your specialties.
MRS. BACON: Yes, I know, they are — it’s perfect! And honestly didn’t realize how good my eyes looked until I started taking pictures with a dick in my mouth staring at the camera! So you just never know until you try it.
BT: Yes it’s funny you have great taste in lipstick for a blowjob as well.
MRS. BACON: Well I’ve always been into lipsticks, now I just have a better reason to wear them, ha ha.
BT: So Mr Bacon has helped you embrace your role as a sex goddess to thousands… did he have any reservations about putting his junk online?
MRS. BACON: He doesn’t show his face so he’s hesitant about that as he does art as well… but he doesn’t show his face in the art world either so he’s kind of a mystery. But yeah, his dick is perfect. So he suggested taking pics and putting them online just for fun, and I was hesitant but then we started doing it — in December I think. And then by April we had an OnlyFans. And I’m in control of both accounts now!
BT: Has this adventure in sex work improved your sex life or was it always this hot with the two of you?
MRS. BACON: Both! We had a chemistry from the get go, met on tinder and after the first date we did 6 months long distance seeing each other for 3 days once a month — so you can imagine that. Then he moved in with me and yeah we’ve always been super sexy in the bedroom, and trying new toys and stuff. But this has definitely amped up the pace and, yeah, makes things a little more exciting knowing the rest of twitter might see it too.
BT: He probably gets more blowjobs now.
MRS. BACON: Nope! I’ve always given lots of those, ha ha — it’s something I love to do, especially with someone I love and with a dick that nice it’s hard not to!
BT: Can you tell me about how it felt the very first time you put yourself out there, nude for others to see online? Scary? Thrilling? Both?
MRS. BACON: Scary! It was nerve-wracking but I didn’t show my face, so I didn’t care that much. We hit the ground running pretty fast. It was probably only a couple posts later that I showed my face, I just didn’t care anymore — I wanted more likes, and more love, and we want to make this our career!
BT: When the comments and admiration started to come back, did it turn you on?
MRS. BACON: It doesn’t turn me on at all actually — I moreso am excited at the thought of becoming big-time in the porn industry and making money doing this! It’s so fun and we love doing it, so yeah — it’s just a bonus!
BT: Do you get much feedback and requests from your fans?
MRS. BACON: Yeah our fans love us! We have some long time fans, new fans, we get some requests but our OnlyFans has over 1100 pics and 750 videos so I usually send people there to save them money, ha ha. It’s the Canadian in me I guess! But we get our fair share of customs and they always are repeat clients! They always come back. Almost all of our fans are fucking amazing.
BT: Have you had any memorable or fun requests you can share?
MRS. BACON: Yeah this one guy loves seeing my tits pushed against glass or windows which is fun. We’ve had feet requests. Nothing too crazy though! We’re pretty open too and haven’t turned down anything yet! So…
BT: For potential subscribers, can you tell us about the TwoBacons1 OnlyFans experience?
MRS. BACON: Well I post 3 times a day minimum with new content — videos and pictures. We do PPV Saturdays which are cheap and fun little extras for those who want them! We usually film once or twice a week so we always have fresh new content! We’re filming tomorrow. We have penetration, cum shots, solo girl, titty jobs, blow jobs, hand jobs, eating out, creampie. And weed! We smoke lots of weed! We also do go lives every Friday to just hang out! I show my tits but we just smoke weed and chit chat.
BT: What other interaction do you have with fans?
MRS. BACON: I do amazing cock ratings! $10 for a 4 paragraph write up about your cock and then a rating out of 20. They are fun to do — but I’m just not interested in anything else except the Mr!

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