If you like curves, we’ve got a girl for you. If you really, really like curves. This South African temptress is Milkshake Samme and she is so curvy in places she’s practically circular. She’s a collection of spheres. Spheres upon spheres. Perfectly round spheres.
Seriously, how does a body like this happen? And even if she’s not your type, you have to marvel at the sheer roundness on display. The volume. The mass. The scale and proportion. Her bras and bikini tops, t-shirts and camisoles, work hard to contain her.
(She’s 5’1″, by the way. She’d make an excellent Biggie Shorty in the nudie version of Pootie Tang.)
We first spotted Samme on Twitter, a hive of sex and nudity — and even there, she made us do a double-take. You can’t scroll past this. If you’re intrigued by Samme, follow her at @milkshake_samme and visit her OnlyFans. She may have other links worth checking out, you’ll find them at her MyBio page.
Enjoy the pictures. Enjoy the Milkshake. Grab some extra napkins.

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