Here’s Savana (last name: Wildchild) in a shoot from MET-Art called “Epic Story.” Well it’s certainly a strange tale. One minute she’s opening her front gate and the next she’s a savage deer-sorceress with antlers on her head, brandishing flaming ceremonial artifacts. As the sun goes down she’s writhing naked by the fire, pleasured by an invisible woodland god. It’s fantastic, one of the best MET-Art shoots we’ve seen (and that’s really saying something). Here’s MET-Art’s description:
Let stunning new model Savana sweep you up in her erotic adventure. Discovering a sack at her gate, she opens it to find a story that comes to life, with herself as the heroine. She sees herself as the goddess of fire in a horned headdress, wading through a river and igniting the torches she holds in each hand. Reading the story, the voluptuous French brunette caresses her beautiful big breasts as she pictures herself naked in the water, illuminated by the flames that surround her. As night falls, her pleasure peaks…

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