Did you know that the familiar wide, shallow champagne glass is said to have been modeled on the shape of Marie Antoinette’s perfect breast? That’s what they say, at least. That’s something fun to think about as you celebrate New Year’s Eve 2025 tonight (or celebrate anything at some later date). Here is a classic and festive vintage photo shoot from Twistys. And you’re thinking “vintage, really?” Yup — this amazing set of pictures was posted 20 years ago! And that says something amazing about Twistys — you’re not just browsing a site with the latest and greatest models and porn stars, you’re accessing a vast archive of decades of smut featuring the hottest women in their prime.

Back to the champagne glasses and breasts — the style of glass that resembles Marie Antoinette’s tit is called a coupe. And in these pictures, the ladies (Kyla Cole, Tara Radovic, Nika, Sonya and Tatyana) are drinking their bubbly from flutes (specifically, they are rather large-mouthed trumpet flutes). So don’t get it confused, Marie Antoinette’s boobs were not shaped like the glassware you see here, that would be weird. Those would be some long, skinny, pointy tits. No, it’s the coupe that resembles a boob.
How thirsty are you at this new year’s party? Are you sipping from the modest (yet elegant) vessels of Nika, Sonya or Tatyana? Those look to be about C-cup coupes. Or do you drink from a larger glass, perhaps a coupe modeled on Kyla Cole’s D-cup breasts? Or are you super-sizing it with blonde Tara Radovic’s generous DD/E-cups? Yeah, we figured you for a Big Gulp man — let’s have a round of Radovics for the assembled revelers.

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